Media giant PhillyGameday.com to partner with Philly.com
Global media giant PhillyGameday.com announced today that it has agreed to a partnership with Philly.com, a Philadelphia-based media company, in its continued effort to provide quality, satirical Philadelphia sports news to everyone that’s... [Read more...]
More Philly News

Philly fan watching has officially passed American football as the top spectator sport in the country, according to a recent report. The sport — played professionally in the National Philly Dipshits... [Read more]
‘Fast’ Eddie Chambers ready to bring another title to PhillyNot that anyone was really counting on the Eagles taking it all the way this year, but getting hosed by the Cowboys twice in less than a week officially ended that pipe dream. With the Sixers and Flyers... [Read more]
Happy Holidays and Halladays to everyone, from Philly GamedayBetween Roy Halladay and Jrue Holiday, Philly fans will have plenty to look forward to in the coming years. And for the folks that don’t read so good well, it’s pronounced Hal-A-Day…not... [Read more]
Great moments in 'typical Philly fan' history: The Palace incidentThe beating death of a young man outside of Citizens Bank Park has once again spurred talk of how dangerous and uncivilized Philadelphia sports fans are for whatever reason. To further augment this list... [Read more]
If The Athletics Stayed: Philly would love the Bash BrothersIntroducing a new feature called If The Athletics Stayed, that will likely appear whenever one of our cherished teams does something precious like lose to a team they just historically reamed the night... [Read more]
Elderly man robbed, beaten by local shock jock Mike Missanelli; Angry fans weigh inArea sports fans are now speaking out against Mike Missanelli for his unprovoked assault on an unsuspecting geriatric man on Tuesday. The attack took place on Missanelli’s 950 ESPN radio show when... [Read more]
Total 'Dick' praises Madden as better sports broadcaster than Harry the KPro Football Hall of Famer and foot fungus ointment pitch-man John Madden announced his retirement on Thursday after 30 years in the broadcasting booth. NBC Sports chief Dick Eberhart has selected Chris... [Read more]
Hall of Fame human being and announcer Harry Kalas showed us how it's doneIt’s very profound when you look back on an individual’s life and see just how many complete strangers can fondly recall how he’s touched them. It inspires you to live life the way Harry... [Read more]
Report: Philly fans don't like millionaires that suck at their jobsAccording to several published reports, Philadelphia sports fans don’t care for millionaire athletes that half-ass it on the playing field. The finding comes as a complete surprise when for years... [Read more]